• WBFSH State of the industry
  • 29-08-2023

    State of the Indurstry Report - Webinar

  • Nadine Brandtner
    Nadine Brandtner

    General Manager

  • The first report, published in 2021, provided us with a snapshot of the scale and activity in Warmblood breeding, placed in the context of the overall horse industry. This year, with the second SOI report, the aim will be to be following on the first report along with a focus on Welfare and the Social License to Operate (SLO), to enable the enhancement of the industry for everyone.

    "Make a better future for all those involved"

    This new SOI Report will, once again, provide the current State of the Industry and continue identifying emerging challenges, but a few newer objectives were set for this 2022/2023 edition: creating a snapshop of global perception on animal welfare, bringing more transparency to appeal to a more concious industry, creating a constructive and productive engagement between the WBFSH, studbooks, breeders, FEI, NFs and riders, identifying trends emerging and, of course, providing relevant information to further develop the industry. 

    Join us for a free webinar. Limited spaces available. Sign up before 6th September 2023.